The Difference Between DCP and ABC Fire Extinguishers

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Fire safety is crucial for any home or office environment because fire poses one of the greatest risks out there to our lives and possessions. The most effective guard against the dangers of fire that we can implement on a personal level is by having effective fire extinguishers. There are various types of extinguishers on the market today, and so it's important to know the difference between each type of extinguisher.

To this end, we're going to explore the difference between two of the most useful and popular types of extinguishers available to us today - DCP and ABC fire extinguishers.

Let's dive right in.

ABC fire extinguishers

Fire Classifications

Our first order of business, however, should be taking a look at the different types or classes of fires. Different categories have different qualities and characteristics, but they are all essentially alike in that they feature four elements - oxygen, fuel, heat, and chain reaction. They are categorized as follows:

Class A Fires: Consist of flames consuming combustible solids such as fabrics, some plastics, common paper, natural wood, and so on

Class B Fires: Here, the conflagrations will involve combustible liquid substances such as petrol, typical paint, turpentine, and so on.

Class C Fires: Involve flammable gasses and liquids such as methane, butane, etc.

Electrical Fires: These are energized electrical fires involving chemical equipment, whereby the source of electricity is the ignitor, and the fire will go out without it.

Class D Fires: These are fires involving combustible metallic materials such as magnesium, sodium, zirconium, potassium, aluminum, titanium, etc.

Class F Fires: These usually take place in kitchens or cooking areas and so tend to involve cooking oils, fats, and greases.

Because different types of extinguishers are designed to deal with different classes of fire, it's important that we understand them. So, what's the difference between a DCP and an ABC extinguisher?

What Separates DCP Extinguishers from ABC Extinguishers

ABC extinguishers are designed to extinguish Class A, B, and C conflagrations. Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) extinguishers are also capable of dealing with these types of fires. What this means is that there’s no true difference between these two classifications - DCP is simply a type of ABC extinguisher.

DCP Extinguisher Characteristics

These extinguishers come with blue identifying labels on their canisters to indicate that they can handle Class A, B, as well as Class C flames.

Aside from the types of fire we’ve mentioned above, they are also capable of effectively dealing with electrical fires, as long as the electricity source is producing less than 1000 volts. You can also find specialist types of DCP extinguishers on the market today that are specifically designed to deal with flammable metals such as magnesium and titanium.

Despite its impressive capabilities, there are certain scenarios where DCP extinguishers should not be used. These include:

• Cooking oil fires

• Electrical fires involving equipment with over 1000 volts of output

• Fires occur in tight, enclosed spaces because the powder is easily inhaled and will leave a messy aftermath.

As we mentioned earlier, fire cannot exist without the interaction of heat, fuel, oxygen, and chain reaction. This is how DCP manages to put out fires - by smothering the flames and cutting off the oxygen supply from reaching the fuel and heat sources.

For the safety of your loved ones, personnel, and property, strongly consider installing DCP extinguishers in the following areas:

• Premises that have commercial, outsized boiler rooms.

• Dispensing plants that handle LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas).

• The forecourts of busy garages where various oils and fuels are present

• Areas where flame cutting and welding occur.

• Business enterprises and premises where chemical processes and operations using flammable gasses are involved.

Final Thoughts

Anyone with a home, office, or business premises should be aware of their fire safety status because fire presents one of the most dangerous risk factors to our lives and properties. While fire extinguishers are a great investment, it’s important that we understand the various types of extinguishers and the classes of fire they are designed to combat.

As we’ve covered here, there’s no real difference between ABC and DCP extinguishers. In fact, DCP extinguishers may be considered a type of ABC extinguisher since they are capable of tackling class A, B, and C fires. Macro has a long history of supplying ABC fire powder to our clients located all over the world. For reliable, cost-effective, world class fire management products, make Macro your first choice. You won’t regret it!