Which Extinguisher Is A Class A, B & C Type?

Views: 14     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-04      Origin: Site

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If you are in the market for a new fire extinguisher, you might have an experience of how tricky choosing one might be since there isn't a universal extinguisher you can use on all fire types. It is crucial to understand the features of various fire extinguishers before you use or install them. The A, B & C extinguisher falls under the Dry Chemical extinguishers type and is suitable for putting out three of the four different classes of fire. Although other types of extinguishers are available for purchase, the A B & C dry chemical extinguisher is one of the most popular options, so let’s learn more about it.


Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher: What Is It?

ABC extinguishers come in sizes between 5lbs- 20lbs and are primarily red. The dry chemical powder used in these fire safety equipment is mono ammonium phosphate, thanks to its fast-smothering effect on various fires. This powder is effective against fires of the three classes (A, B, and C). You’ll come across the A B C dry chemical extinguishers in places like high-rise buildings, lobbies, school buses, offices, classrooms, etc.

How Does It Work?

Having a fully charged extinguisher in your facility or residence is the first step to ensuring safety during a fire. The ABC extinguisher contains dry chemical powder and a propelling gas that covers the flames. This working principle also significantly reduces the fire’s chemical reaction rate so you can quickly extinguish the fire. The A B & C dry powder extinguisher can be as important as the difference between life and death. 

However, the fire might reignite since the dry powder does not penetrate fully into materials, leading to a compromised cooling effect, and you will have a big mess to clean up afterward. They might also damage your interiors and furniture. Remember, the A, B & C dry chemical extinguishers are unsuitable for Class F fires.

Uses of The ABC Dry Powder Extinguisher

You can tell the type of fire an extinguisher is manufactured to extinguish by the alphabet rating; a letter represents the fire class  it can put off as follows;

Class A - fires on basic combustible materials like wood, rubber, plastics, and paper

Class B - fires on combustible and flammable liquids like alcohol, paints, lacquer, and gasoline. 

Class C - fires on electrical equipment.

Step-by-step Guide to ABC Extinguisher

It might help if you had prior training before you use the A B & C dry powder fire extinguisher. Make sure to trigger your fire alarm and check for a clear exit before you start to put out the fire. If the dry powder extinguisher is not effectively putting out the fire, your safest option is to exit the premises. The following guidelines are suitable only if you have prior training or otherwise in case of a fire emergency. PASS is the word!

  • Check the extinguisher label to ensure it is ideal for the type of fire.

  • Aim your nozzle at the bottom of the flames.

  • Squeeze the trigger gently. This releases the dry powder.

  • Sweep the tip of the nozzle  side to side to put off the fire.

Choosing An ABC Dry Powder Extinguisher

Rechargeable or disposable? There are two types of the ABC extinguisher to choose from. You can refill the rechargeable after use, while the disposable option will require a replacement after you pull the pin. Go for a user-friendly size that people on the premises can conveniently lift and use. Also, mount a new extinguisher per the manufacturer's manual.

It would be best to have an extinguisher for all the building floors, especially close to your living areas. The A B & C dry powder extinguisher is your best bet for areas prone to fires involving multiple materials, for instance, kitchens and garages.

Take Away

Now you have the essential information to help with your A, B & C dry powder extinguisher search. Ensure you take the required safety precautions, read the extinguisher manual before use, and call fire authorities for help immediately if you can't handle the fire. Also, check the extinguishers in your building to ensure they are of suitable class in the event of a fire. Check or ask for the dry powder extinguisher rating before purchasing. 

That way, you'll know what types of fires it is made for. For further information, Macro Fire is here to help. We have high-quality, efficient ABC dry powder extinguishers because your safety matters!